Cave De Tain, Hermitage Nobles Rives, 2015 , ↓ 616.0 France Red, Soldout - Sovy 老酒市集--酒商雲集·化算訂購

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Cave De Tain, Hermitage Nobles Rives, 2015

label : Good Label level : Neck Level
Unit Price
HKD$ 693
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$ 651
In any 6 btls/$3K an order -8%
$ 637
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- 3%
As Low As
$ 616
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Air freight from Europe per 2 weeks,
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France Rhone Hermitage
Cave de Tain is a French cooperative winery located at the foot of the famous Hermitage slopes in the northern Rhône Valley. It is famous for its wines made from the Syrah grape, the only red variety it produces. The company was founded in 1933 by dozens of individual growers. Today, the organization has 300 members who collectively cultivate more than 1,000 hectares (2,500 acres) of vineyards. The cooperative has a central vineyard team that oversees the vineyards, which since 2007 have been mapped via GPS to allow for precise viticulture on a plot-by-plot basis. This modern winery features a range of high-tech automated equipment, a selection of stainless steel and concrete tanks, and large oak barrels for traditional aging.

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